Rokan Antti
11 Temmuz 2021 katıldı
Son yorum: Elvorix tarafından 3 yıl önce Hoş geldiniz başlığına
Hoş geldiniz
değiştirHello Rokan Antti, welcome to Turkish Wikiquote. Help (Turkish)
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How to start the Turkish Wikiquote, do not assume. All the information you need here.. (Turkish)
Turkish Wikiquote, a large family with other siblings:
- If you want to provide encyclopedic knowledge about a topic; Turkish Wikipedia
- If you want to add a missing piece of Copyright; Turkish Wikisource
- If you want to make a description of the glossary term; Turkish Wiktionary
- If you want to describe how it's done; Turkish Wikibook. Take it easy.